Dragon's Lair
Part 1

So once more to no surprise, we are back in a similar challenge from the beginning. This is also an indication that you are halfway through the game. Position Dirk close to the edge and jump on the platform again.
Therefore the same challenge repeats. Be sure to keep Dirk stationed in the center to avoid being blown off the platform by the clouds that can take residence in any corner.
This second sequence is a little more taxing than the first. The same cloud creature will attempt to blow you off the platform in repeated cycles at various corners of the walls. Be sure to run against the cloud without falling off the ledge to maintain your physical location.
Eventually after a long struggle, the clouds will relent and the platform will suddenly appear to the left. Taking caution to be as close to the edge as possible without falling off, press the fire button to jump safely onto the floor. The scene transitions to the platform disappearing into the abyss below and the player runs through the door on the left.
The scene transitions to the platform disappearing into the abyss below in a gulf of smoke. Then the player runs through the door on the left to advance the level.